July 1, 2003
9:07 a.m.
I have the same problem.
Greg Swallow gswallow at netgawds.com Sun Jun 1 02:17:35 EDT 2003
I have a question...
I have a list that had digesting turned on. It's now off. This list runs on Solaris 9, Python 2.2.2, Qmail, and Mailman 2.1.2 (although I had the problem with 2.1.1 too).
Two times now, I've had messages meant to be posted to the list get discarded. All that happened, I thought, was that the messages were being discarded, as shown in the vette log.
However, the digest.mbox file was getting updated, so I cat /dev/null > digest.mbox and then turn off digesting, and it works.
?? -- any suggestions?