On 8/7/24 14:45, Jim Dory wrote:
On 12/13/23 12:08, Mark Sapiro wrote:
On 12/13/23 10:00, Jim Dory wrote:
As for listinfo.html, I see 2 pertinent files. on under ../en/templates (this list is just english) and under ../lists/[name of our list]/ . The templates version includes a few lines of captcha which the lists version doesn't. Here's a snippet of the templates version:
This is your problem. You have a list specific version of the listinfo.html template in lists/listname/en/listinfo.html which was probably created on an older version before the captchas were implemented.
You need to diff lists/listname/en/listinfo.html with templates/en/listinfo.html. Part of the diff will be the absence of the
<mm-recaptcha-ui> <mm-captcha-ui>
tags in lists/listname/en/listinfo.html which need to be added. If that's the only diff, you can simply remove lists/listname/en/listinfo.html and fall back to the default, but if you had local changes in lists/listname/en/listinfo.html, you probably want to keep those and just add the missing captcha tags.
Hello - started getting someone reporting to yahoo the subscription confirmation email as spam which can cause yahoo to block our list if enough reports come to it. So I've revisited this captcha thing again. I've input the keys into mm_cfg.py and added
<mm-recaptcha-ui> <mm-captcha-ui>
to the lists/listname/listinfo.html. When trying to subscribe, the very obnoxious squares appear asking to check whatever box contains whatever.. many are hard to see. But if I go ahead and check the boxes I get a green checkmark in the I'm not a robot square. I hit subscribe, and I get "reCAPTCHA validation failed: invalid-input-response "
I've tried several times, so not sure if it is because I'm missing the squares in the test or something else is wrong. It would be best if I could just check the box "I'm not a robot" rather than go thru the square puzzle. Possible?
thanks, Jim
Perhaps my problem is in needing to follow these instructions - which I haven't done and don't understand:
"Verify the reCAPTCHA token Submit the generated response token to reCAPTCHA for verification. reCAPTCHA returns a risk score indicating the likelihood of a legitimate interaction. Before proceeding, you must authenticate with reCAPTCHA. API requests to reCAPTCHA will fail until authentication steps are complete.
I've added an attachment showing part of the message. The rest includes my sitekey, which I'm not sure is safe to post.