I am getting complaints from one Mailman user about the bounces address showing in her header. When she gets mail, rather than showing the message as "from" the person who sent it (and yes, the list set to show the sender's email address) it reads like this:
From: list-bounces@domain.org <MAILTO:chossloop-bounces@chossfamilies.org> [mailto:list-bounces@domain.org] <MAILTO:%5Bmailto:chossloop-bounces@chossfamilies.org%5D> On Behalf Of John Jones (or whoever is sending the message)
I am on many mailman lists, and my headers show the bounces address in the return-path, and the sender fields, and a few others. But my email client only shows the "from" field unless you actually click the "view headers" icon. I am thinking that her's might be similar, but perhaps her client is using the sender field or return-path to display?
Do any of you experience this? I have asked on the listowners list, but it seems to be out of commission today.
Marci :)