June 10, 1999
9:42 p.m.
I believe I've found out how to reliably reproduce the performance problemsI've noticed here at VA and at Kanga.Nu, and which Barry and another (forget name, sorry) have observed as well:
Create a moderated list.
Subscribe 200 addresses to the list (can be bogus addresses but the local MTA must accept them)
Post at least 30 messages of an average of at least 2K size to the list.
Go to the moderation page, approve every message, and hit submit.
Watch your system load peg and stay there for an obscenely long time.
-- J C Lawrence Home: claw@kanga.nu ---------(*) Linux/IA64 - Work: claw@varesearch.com ... Beware of cromagnons wearing chewing gum and palm pilots ...