Mark Sapiro writes:
Stephen J. Turnbull wrote:
Bill Catambay writes:
My ISP is using Mailman 2.1.11. Is that the latest? I'm guessing no, since it is currently NOT recognizing the envelope sender. This sounds like one that I'll need to contact my ISP for.
Unfortunately, it looks like things don't work as you need them to,
NB. "As he needs them to" means that the *list moderator* be recognized as the *envelope sender*, and the message be approved in that case.
It's somewhat confusing and complicated, but it hasn't changed in a long time.
And won't work for the OP, since envelope sender is always lowest priority in the checks.
Just to summarize, since the OP characterizes himself as a "newbie". Bottom line, a new feature is needed for his use case.