At 8:01 AM +0200 2004/05/07, HÃ¥kon Strandenes wrote:
What user account should I set fetchmail to deliver the mails to? Does it affect the mail delivery?
I think Hilton has already covered this. It does make a
difference, because otherwise you'd have the wrong messages going to the wrong mailing lists.
Is it any other tricks I have to know about?
You also have to have your ISP give you some sort of way of
distinguishing between the various different addresses that get delivered to your account. Otherwise, all those messages are going to come in and look like they are delivered to you, and you won't know what to do with them.
I think this issue is pretty well explained in the fetchmail documentation.
-- Brad Knowles, <>
"They that can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary safety deserve neither liberty nor safety." -Benjamin Franklin, Historical Review of Pennsylvania.
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