My 2 cents.
This thread smacks of trying to adapt Mailman to be an anonymising
remailer and I am not sure that is a suitable objective.
Brad is right in saying that suppressing all information alluding to
the originator of a posting requires gutting the message of a fair
number of headers of value in dealing with mail problems. Not just
From: and Received: but Message-id: and others have to go.
As regards spammers acquiring email addresses to target, list archives
are probably a bigger target. A while back (MM 2.1.3) I took a punt at
some fairly aggressive measures to limit harvesting of email addresses
from Mailman list archives. The patch works but I have no idea if any
people found it of interest. See:
https://sourceforge.net/tracker/? func=detail&aid=850805&group_id=103&atid=300103
On 26 Sep 2004, at 19:33, Brad Knowles wrote:
At 7:30 PM +0200 2004-09-26, Brad Knowles quoted Mark Sapiro:
The more I think of this though, the more I think it would be appropriate for Mailman to drop the incoming Received: headers from posts to an anonymous list. Why preserve the trace of how a post
got from source to list when you want to make the source anonymous?This makes it much more difficult to debug certain types of mail problems, including bounces and multiple deliveries of the same message, etc....
Besides, you have to sanitize more than just the "Received:" headers.
All sorts of other headers might also expose personal information.
You'd have to sanitize all headers, and copy over only the message
body and subject lines.-- Brad Knowles, <brad@stop.mail-abuse.org>
"Those who would give up essential Liberty, to purchase a little temporary Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety."
-- Benjamin Franklin (1706-1790), reply of the Pennsylvania Assembly to the Governor, November 11, 1755
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