I am hopeful our esteemed code maintainers are thinking the built in restart idea is a good one:
BW wrote:
Or is there not a way expire & restart mailman processes analogous to the apache httpd process expiration (designed to mitigate this kind of resource growth over time)?
bin/mailmanctl could be modified to do this automatically, but currently only does it on command (restart) or signal (SIGINT), but I gather you're already running a cron that does a periodic restart.
This is a good idea. It might be better to do this in Runner._doperiodic().
On 7/2/08 9:22 AM, "Brad Knowles" <brad@shub-internet.org> wrote:
Fletcher Cocquyt wrote:
Or is there not a way expire & restart mailman processes analogous to the apache httpd process expiration (designed to mitigate this kind of resource growth over time)?
You can do "mailmanctl restart", but that's not really a proper solution to this problem.
-- Fletcher Cocquyt Senior Systems Administrator Information Resources and Technology (IRT) Stanford University School of Medicine
Email: fcocquyt@stanford.edu Phone: (650) 724-7485