Hi Mark,
Thanks for your reply.
On 19/4/21 10:49 pm, Mark Sapiro wrote:
On April 18, 2021 6:43:53 AM PDT, John Elliot V | ProgClub <jj5@progclub.org> wrote:
On the Privacy options section I set 'advertised' to 'No' and 'subscribe_policy' to 'Require approval' but that doesn't work to stop the subscription emails.
What Mailman version is this?
Recent and not so recent versions have multiple ways to harden the subscribe form but they all require server access to configure.
I have total access to the server, including via the web interface and command line.
Is there a way to make a list 'invite only'? I tried to find such an option but was unable to do so...
You can always edit the listings page via the web admin UI and remove the subscribe form.
Ah, right. I suspect that won't work because at this stage the spammers already have a copy of the form so removing it from the web won't necessarily work. It would be good if there was a server side block I could put in place...
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