At 6:54 AM -0700 on 8/14/09, Mark Sapiro wrote:
You can do this but it will require the cooperation of the Mailman host. The cooperation part is to set
SENDER_HEADERS = (None, 'from', 'reply-to', 'sender')
in mm_cfg.py. Putting None first will check the envelope sender before the From: header.
This suggestion (posted several months ago) would solve my issue of having to approve posts that I've already sent to the list (with myself as the envelope sender). Of course, if Steve's solution works (and is what I think it is), then it would resolve both of my issues (6 step approval process, and reply-to issue on digests). But as a fallback, this solution sounds like it would still change my 6 step process down to 3 steps. Just for clarity, who exactly would perform the above change? My ISP who hosts Mailman? Can you give me the technically correct language I could use to suggest it to them? (i.e., so that they know exactly what to do)
Thanks, Bill