I'd be interested in how others have implemented this. Here are the options I've identified so far, with some questions.
- FUDforum - http://www.fudforum.org/forum/
This is a forum with a 'mailing list manager' admin page. For me, the script to send list emails to the web forum only works from the command line, and I can't get postfix to pipe emails to that script (or, at least, I can't get the script to do anything).
Has anyone got over that problem? I've asked on their own forum but no response yet.
- Groupserver - http://groupserver.org/
It looks like an absolute beast to install but is a combined mailing list/web forum. I would would prefer not to leave Mailman so wonder...
When is Mailman 3 likely to be released (roughly) and - if that is ages away - what are the chances of being able to migrate 'back' from Groupserver to Mailman 3?
- PHPBB - https://www.phpbb.com/
They say there is no mailing list feature with version 3.
- Tikiwiki CMS Groupware - https://info.tiki.org/
This has a forum which apparently can mirror a Mailman list - has anyone tried this?
Sorry for all the questions. Answers to any of them would be appreciated!
Best wishes