On Jun 28, 2009, at 6:34 PM, Karl Zander wrote:
Is there something specific Mailman is looking for to detect
autoreponders, like Out of Office messages? We had an incident this
weekend with an autoresponder sending an out of office message over
and over and over....to a list.This particular autoresponder is not known to be broken. Its worked
well in the past with Mailman.
If it's replying to message with a Precedence: header (and any value)
it's broken.
I note the header of the message from the autoresponder contains
X-Autogenerated: Reply
Can anybody find a reference for the semantics of X-Autogenerated?
I'd be willing to add a rule for this but I'd need to find a reference.
Note too my Replybot program <http://launchpad.net/replybot> for an
automatic email reply system done right. :)