I have a list with the anonymous_list field set to Yes because we want to rewrite the From and Reply-To headers.
The result of this setting is that the From: line contains the list email address e.g.:
From: mylist@lists.here.com
However, I would like to have that From line look like this:
From: My List <mylist@lists.here.com>
Where the string "My List" could be from the description field on the list.
Has anyone tried to do that?
This appear to be impossible to set in the configuration, since the method in Mailman/MailList.py:getListAddress() only returns an email address. The code doesn't seem to have a way to get the description.
There could be a function like this:
def getFriendlyListAddress(self); return '%s <%s@%s>' % (self.description, self.internal_name(), self.host_name)
with maybe some extra code to handle the situation where self.description is blank.
Does this make sense? Has anyone else tried this?