At Mon, 26 May 2014 16:04:55 +0200 (CEST) Lucio Chiappetti <lucio@lambrate.inaf.it> wrote:
On Mon, 26 May 2014, Adam McGreggor wrote:
You might be able to set all passwords to be the same -- within your options page (e.g.,)
I do use the same password for stuff which is mine only, but these are shared with other co-moderators. And apparently at NASA they are also over-concerned (I got the passwords by snail mail, on paper !!)
Is anybody aware of any firefox add-on which allows to remember multiple password for one hostname (e.g. based on the full url of the list admin page) ?
LastPass / 1password ?
I should have added "add-on for firefox ON LINUX". Apparently this "1password" (which I did not find in the firefox add-on list) is not supported on Linux.
I saw LastPass mentioned, but I gathered it stores passwords elsewhere than on my local machine (which I would not like). Is that correct ?
Yes. LastPass stores passwords on their server and you use one *one* password to access all others.
Thanks anyhow
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