Thanks for your help. Answers inline.
Is it only gate_news that gets this error? Are there errors like this in the error log from other processes. What happens if you go to the web listinfo overview for example. Does it get the same error?
Yep & only for one list.
If everything that accesses the list gets this, then I hope you have a
recent backup. If you don't, try 'bin/dumpdb' on both the config.pck and config.pck.last to see if you can at least get up to date info in text form.
A level 0 backup raan last night, so I can get the files from there.
Is there anything of use here:
[root@jidmail jid]# /usr/lib/mailman/bin/dumpdb -p config.pck.last [----- start pickle file -----] [----- end pickle file -----] [root@jidmail jid]# /usr/lib/mailman/bin/dumpdb -p config.pck [----- start pickle file -----] [----- end pickle file -----] [root@jidmail jid]# ls config.pck config.pck.last pending.pck request.pck [root@jidmail jid]# /usr/lib/mailman/bin/dumpdb -p pending.pck [----- start pickle file -----] <----- start object 1 -----> { 'c3e20eb8105c74b4b1356d965dd88523103cf608': ('H', 32), 'e01d88cc37e6f6bf1d546b28b38c413125beb229': ('H', 33), 'evictions': { 'c3e20eb8105c74b4b1356d965dd88523103cf608': 1143215294.351737, 'e01d88cc37e6f6bf1d546b28b38c413125beb229': 1143242143.3469989}, 'version': 2} [----- end pickle file -----] [root@jidmail jid]# /usr/lib/mailman/bin/dumpdb -p request.pck [----- start pickle file -----] <----- start object 1 -----> { 33: ( 1, ( 1142982943.3346181, '', 'xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx', 'Post by non-member to a members-only list', 'heldmsg-jid-33.pck', { '_parsemsg': True, 'lang': 'en', 'listname': 'jid', 'pipeline': [ 'Hold', 'MimeDel', 'Emergency', 'Tagger', 'CalcRecips', 'AvoidDuplicates', 'Cleanse', 'CookHeaders', 'ToDigest', 'ToArchive', 'ToUsenet', 'AfterDelivery', 'Acknowledge', 'ToOutgoing'], 'received_time': 1142982942.707638, 'rejection_notice': 'Non-members are not allowed to post messages to this list.', 'tolist': 1, 'version': 3})), 'version': (0, 1)} [----- end pickle file -----] [root@jidmail jid]#