Hi, Mark.
On 12/10/10 8:33 AM, "Mark Sapiro" <mark@msapiro.net> wrote:
JRC Groups wrote:
I have created two additional lists for a total of three that I created plus one that Apple's own Server Admin requires (a list named Mailman). Using the web interface to check the lists hosted by my domain I find conflicting results. This is what I have:
List Description List 1 [no description available] List 2 [no description available]
List Description List 3 [no description available] List 4 [no description available]
Shouldn't both www.domain.com and domain.com lead to the same results ? How can I make the necessary corrections so that both addresses are interchangeable and lead to the same results ?
See the FAQ at <http://wiki.list.org/x/lYA9>. In your case, the short answer is put
in mm_cfg.py.
I did just as you recommended but it didn't change the behavior displayed by the listinfo command.
As I made an attempt to create lists using the Mailman's web interface instead of Apple's Server Admin I couldn't get it done. Mailman kept returning an error message stating I didn't have permission to create lists. I tried numerous different passwords including the admin password for my server but it wouldn't work.
There are only two passwords that work for the Mailman web create interface. Neither is set by default. These are the Mailman site password (which is like a super list admin password) and the Mailman list creator password.
set the site password with
sudo /usr/share/mailman/bin/mmsitepass password
and set the list creator password with
sudo /usr/share/mailman/bin/mmsitepass -c password
sudo /usr/share/mailman/bin/mmsitepass --help
Note that if you have a site password, you don't need a list creator password unless you want to give the ability to create lists to someone who doesn't have the site password, and setting a list creator password the same as the site password is superfluous.
It worked just as you had recommended. I was able to assign new site and list creator passwords. I haven't yet had the opportunity to test it as I am first trying to get the problem above resolved before I make attempts to create other lists.
One thing I noticed is that I can create lists under www.domain.com/mailman/create or domain.com/mailman/create. Each takes me to a page titled "Create a www.domain.com Mailing List" and "Create a domain.com Mailing List" respectively.
If not the way you suggested above, what could be the problem and how can I resolve it ?
Thank you again,