April 1, 2000
4:42 a.m.
Hi there! I was wondering if somebody could help me out. I've got it installed, and it says that everything is happy, but when it tries to subscribe me, this is the error that I get in $mailman/logs/smtp-failures:
Mar 27 10:58:18 2000 TrySMTPDelivery: To gleblanc@cu-portland.edu: Mar 27 10:58:18 2000 TrySMTPDelivery: socket.error / (110, 'Connection timed out') (deferred) Mar 27 10:58:18 2000 TrySMTPDelivery: Maybe your MTA daemon needs restarting?
Sendmail doesn't say that anything is wrong, and I can send mail from ordinary users. No, my MTA daemon doesn't need restarting, I tried that already. I've run out of things to look at. Thanks, Greg