On 5/29/2014 4:28 AM, Lucio Chiappetti <lucio@lambrate.inaf.it> wrote:
On Wed, 28 May 2014, Tanstaafl wrote:
You can create multiple accounts for the same URL with passwordmaker, so I think you just don';t understand totally how it works.
That's quite possible.
I did not install it, but read the online documentation, and I gathered that it GENERATES passwords to be used on remote sites, requiring to CHANGE those currently in use. Did I understand wrong ?
Yes... you can force it to use a previously established password that you don't want to change by simply creating an account for the URL, setting a password length of the exact length of the current password, then entering the password into the prefix field.
This isn't very secure, because the password is then stored inside the .rdf file, but it will work.
Well, on one hand I meant that I MUST use the CURRENT passwords for the remote site, because such password is used by other people too !
Understood now... but at least mailman3 will allow for multiple admin users/passwords, which will eliminate this problem.
I guess it is not uncommon that the role of moderator of a mailman mailing list is shared among different people (often in completely different countries so that almost all timezones are covered).
On the other hand (and this is mailman specific), the web pages I was referring to are the mailman "list administrator authentication" pages. They are not properly "accounts" as they contain just a password field but no username.
In passwordmaker, an 'account' is simple an entry with a specific URL/username combination.