On Wed, Sep 22, 1999 at 04:17:25PM +0200, Aaron Optimizer Digulla wrote:
Especially when the documentation expicitly states that "From " is used :-)
Update: I have activated the two lines of debug code in MailList.py. Here is what I get:
Sep 22 15:56:45 1999 post: envsend: digulla@sebigbos.hepe.com, sender: digulla@sebigbos.hepe.com Sep 22 19:07:23 1999 post: envsend: adam.chodorowski@bigfoot.com, sender: adam Sep 22 21:28:46 1999 post: envsend: adam.chodorowski@bigfoot.com, sender: adam Sep 22 22:12:22 1999 post: envsend: henning@tilt.prima.de, sender: henning@tilt.prima.de Sep 23 05:13:42 1999 post: envsend: Stefan.Berger@att.net, sender: root
Why is sender wrong sometimes ?
-- Aaron "Optimizer" Digulla Team AMIGA AROS Head of Development Author of XDME, ResTrackLib, CInt. <http://www.aros.org/> "(to) optimize: Make a program faster by improving the algorithms rather than by buying a faster machine." <digulla@hepe.com>