--- Original Message: Monday 11 March 2002 10:57 pm ---
Use a separate program to gate the news into the mailing list, and have the program use a specific user as the sender (or actually the forwarder of the message). This is they way I currently do it at one of the sites I admin.
What software are you using at that site?
Another of my many home-grown scripts. This one monitors the News spools and
gates any new article (without a Mailman header) back into the mailinglist.
I'll be happy to share it with anyone who has an interest.
Modify the Source Code so that the News-to-Mail gateway adds a special header to signify approval - then modify the approval module to look for that special header (then strip it out) and auto-approve the message. Sounds hard, but in reality we're talking about 4 lines of inserted code here.
Guess I should read that python book I've been meaning to read.
Or just dive in and play with the existing code - make sure you back up your install first!
Good Luck,
Jon Carnes