Really. This is interesting; anyone?
I am setting up Mailman now, upon which we will *depend* upon the NNTP gatewaying feature to work. This could look very bad.
Poster wrote:
Forrest Aldrich said:
I just set up Mailman 2.1.5 with the intention of utilizing the NNTP/Mailman gatewaying process.
From what I see, it doesn't use any authentication. The server
using on the other side is Typhoon, and I've asked if it can just permit the IP; however, I'd just prefer to have authentication going on like everyone else.
Did I miss something?
Good question. I've looked through the web interface and didn't see anything about authorization. I also can't get the NNTP gatewaying to work at all. I'm not sure if there's something I'm doing wrong or my choice of public access servers is just trash.
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