"Brad" == Brad Knowles <brad@stop.mail-abuse.org> writes:
At 7:50 PM -0400 2006-04-28, Barry Warsaw wrote:
>> Whatever else we decide, I don't agree, or at least, it won't
>> help us. $3.6.6 says that Resent-* headers are to be added by
>> a user. It also says that these are purely informational
>> headers, so I don't see how adding them will instruct a
>> receiving MTA usefully.
Sender doesn't instruct *conformant* MTAs at all, does it? AFAIK the only thing that a RFC 2821-conforming MTA looks at is the Return-Path header, and it's supposed to remove that.
So this is purely a matter of pragmatic self-defense against broken MTAs that do bounce to Sender.
Brad> Siunce the RFC doesn't specifically talk about "relay
Brad> agents" as separate from "users", I think we could argue
Brad> that Mailman would qualify as a "user" in this context.
Brad> Therefore, the Resent-* headers seem to be most appropriate.
Agreed. For a number of reasons, I think this information can be useful. As I mentioned elsewhere, the Resent-Message-Id field can be used to supply a UUID that we can trust (eg, for constructing canonical archive URLs). Unlike the Received headers, these are readable by humans who aren't wall-eyed, helpful in tracing delays, for example.
Brad> If we need something that will be noticed by other MTAs
Brad> beyond the envelope sender and the "Return-Path:" &
Brad> "Errors-To:" headers, then we're going to have to carefully
Brad> think about this.
What's an Errors-To header? I can't find it in the usual suspects.
But I don't see any particular need for thought. Conforming Internet MTAs don't look at message headers, period.
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