Glenn Sieb writes:
So I updated to 2.1.18-1 today. Now we have a Reply-To that has the poster's email and the list's email address.
A few of the lists I run block emails with more than one recipient, so now this is going to be an adventure. (Ok, more like a nightmare, as right now it appears my choices are "make reply-to only the list" ("anonymous_list") or "make reply-to the poster and the list.")
What is the intent of the restriction? Are you trying to get the users to use "reply to author" by punishing them with a black hole if they don't, and then set Reply-To to list-post so that nobody ever gets a personal reply? Or is this intended to prevent people from including 3rd parties in the OP (of course, you can't -- they can always BCC and you'll never know)?
I suppose your users would get upset if you used dmarc_moderation_action = 'Wrap Message' instead of whichever_option = 'Mung From'?
Given Mark's reply, probably you'll need use a custom Handler, whatever the requirements. Is that acceptable (ie, you have the necessary accesses)? N.B. It's possible to restrict use of Handlers to particular lists by giving them list-specific pipelines.