Thanks for the response, unfortunately my limited knowledge on these matters leaves me at a dead end. Not sure how to change any of these items or where to go from here.
On Fri, 23 Feb 2007, Mark Sapiro wrote:
Jason Luck wrote:
grep "Port" sendmail.cf
O DaemonPortOptions=Port=smtp,Addr=, Name=MTA #O ClientPortOptions=Family=inet, Address=
I don't know sendmail configuration, but it seems you've only told it to listen on the local loopback port
netstat -na |grep ":25 "
tcp 0 0*
LISTENAnd netstat confirms that. You should also see something like
tcp 0 0* LISTEN
You should be able to telnet to port 25 of this host from outside. You can't (or at least I can't - I get a refusal to my connect negotiation).
and in the etc/hosts file
IPAddress Hosts Alias localhost [##.###.##.##] falconfootball.org
Not relevant. This only directs connects to falconfootball.org from this machine to the given IP address. It has no effect on what's listening on this machine for connects from the outside.