On Wed, 21 Jul 2010, Alison Epstein wrote:
We're considering using Mailman for our organization's listservs. But I'm
I'll save Mark the trouble of dealing with this part. Listserv (capital L) is the trademarked name of a "competing" mailing list managment product. It is not a generic term for a mailing list or mailing list management software. The word should generally not be used on this list.
having trouble finding a demo to try or some screen snapshots so that I can even determine if this is the right software for us.
I need something for our discussion lists. (We also have announce-only lists.)
The discussion lists ideally would have an archive that is accessible.
Also, some of our lists need to have the ability to have multiple "moderators / posters" who may or may not be list subscribers. For instance, we have staff in Jerusalem & Chicago. We have mailing lists for each office, but all staff members can post to either list. For example: A Jerusalem staff member can send a message that only the Chicago staff will receive.
Can you point me to a demo to try or a good place to find these answers?
Mailman can do all that. There is no demo version because Mailman is a free product. Install it and see if it does what you need it to do.
The FAQ (a link to it is at the bottom of every message on this list) can answer a lot of your questions including some HOW-TOs and installation guides.
-- Larry Stone lstone19@stonejongleux.com