I'm having an issue with any new lists created in Mailman, it appears to be forcing each mailing lists host_name to: multiplay.co.uk
So any welcome emails specifically states:
"To post to this list, send your message to:
Where the host/domain for Mailman is set to lists.multiplay.co.uk
My mm_cfg.py is at http://pastie.org/4178388 My main.cf and master.cf is at http://pastie.org/4178383
Is there something totally obvious I'm missing which would be causing it to send the wrong address in the welcome email?
Thank you,
Dan Offord
Technical Systems Administrator
Multiplay (UK) Ltd, Unit 7 Whitefield, Lepe Road, Blackfield Southampton, Hampshire, SO45 1XR
Registered in England & Wales No. 3370594
Phone: +44 (0) 845 868 1337 | Direct: +44 (0) 56 000 36985 Twitter: @liv3d | Skype: mpukliv3d This e.mail is private and confidential between Multiplay (UK) Ltd. and the person or entity to whom it is addressed. In the event of misdirection, the recipient is prohibited from using, copying, printing or otherwise disseminating it or any information contained in it.
In the event of misdirection, illegible or incomplete transmission please telephone +44 845 868 1337 or return the E.mail to postmaster@multiplay.co.uk.