Oct. 20, 2002
11:16 a.m.
<gbm@godsfellowship.com> wrote in message news:OFB5BBE51F.9DD18BD3-ON86256C58.004CE976@mctires.com...
I have mailman on a slackware box with sendmail. ww1.mydomain.com The mailserver for ww1 is mx.mydomain.com. It is a WinNT box running Domino Mail Server.
Seems like a pretty basic problem to me ...
You need to get the mail to your linux box. Either send the mail to list@ww1.mydomain.com (make sure your mailman and sendmail is suitably aware of the domain change), or configure the domino server to redirct to the list aliases to the same alias on the linux box.
I try to avoid Domino at all costs (I knew a guy who administered Domino once ... he died), so I really can't help you with the specifics.