At around Thu, 29 Jul 1999 23:12:14 -0400 (EDT), Darren Henderson <darren@jasper.somtel.com> may have mentioned:
On Thu, 29 Jul 1999, John Viega wrote:
Most people will prefer it, since it will help them visually filter
Just to offer a voice of descent.... ;) I don't care for it all that much as I sort incoming list messages into their own folders, so its pretty much wasted bytes. But its a trivial thing.
it's nice for visually filtering, yes. if you don't visually filter, it can be a pain. as mentioned before, limited subject column space for many a mail reader...
it would be really nice to be able to set this per user from the user perspective.
better still i think would be a message header indicating what list the message is from, client software that displays this header, and peace on earth, and carp and perch and trout and ... bream ;-)