On 12/15/23 15:51, Jim Dory wrote:
I've been getting some great advice on trying to block these bots that are hitting our subscription page with random email subscribe requests. It won't be long and I'll have this mailing list black-listed, since I've failed to get any suggestions to work. I think I need to move off this older Centos server.
I will still play around with the captcha solution and see if I was missing anything.. but can't get past a "We hit a bug" when enabled.
I tried firewalld, but locked myself out of the web interface and not real sure how to configure that to work. Could do some more research on it.
Another thought I had (from googling) is to use an .htaccess file. Curious if that would work?
It looks like the webpage I would want an .htaccess file (with offending IP addresses denied) is the [list name]/listinfo.html and curious if I should drop an .htaccess file there and would it work? Or other recommendation(s)? I would do something like: "|deny from 123.456.789.123" for the file without quotes. I'll have to figure out how to add multiple different ip addresses there, if this method would work.|
Well, I tried the htaccess by putting them in with the listinfo.html files both under the list name directory and the templates directory. Doesn't work, so far.