On 08/14/2014 12:07 PM, Chris Miller wrote:
On 8/14/2014 11:37 AM, Mark Sapiro wrote:
To run fix_url in a multiple virtual hosts environment, you must run it separately for each list with the appropriate -u option, e.g.,
bin/withlist -l -r fix_url customer_listname -u list.customerdomain.com
We did do this after I sent the original email. Unfortunately it is not changing the web_page_url in the configuration.
What is the output from the above command?
bin/dumpdb lists/hostname/listname/config.pck
and look for web_page_url and host_name.
The host name is correct, but the web_page_url is wrong.
Also the path we have is different than above, specifically missing a hostname directory i.e. :
The vhost branch at <https://code.launchpad.net/~msapiro/mailman/vhost> creates virtual host lists with a structure of lists/hostname/listname. How did you create the list(s)?
-- Mark Sapiro <mark@msapiro.net> The highway is for gamblers, San Francisco Bay Area, California better use your sense - B. Dylan