Hi, Shannon.
My name is Shannon McCormick and I am a member of the technology team @ 4charity http://www.4charity.com. We are an Application Service Provider (ASP) for the Non-Profit industry. We are currently developing a Email List Management product that we will make available to our customers. We are interested in using Mailman as the underlying email engine for sending messages and handling bounces. We are building the entire user interface and managing/storing the list, message and user information ourselves. We will be charging our customers by some metric to use our product. What license is Mailman covered by (I believe it is the GNU GPL)? Does Mailman's license allow it to be used in this capacity?
It seems that you are asking for legal advice. I think that the best thing to do would be to have your legal department look at the GPL. You wouldn't really rely (or bet your business) on legal advice from a bunch of hackers, would you?
Anyway, I think you would be fine. I charge for services based on Free Software all the time.