Inching forward here folks, trying to get Mailman 2.1.39 going.
I get to the point it calls Python and it dies with:
checking for python... /usr/local/bin/python checking Python interpreter... configure: error:
***** No Python interpreter found! ***** Try including the configure option ***** --with-python=/path/to/python/interpreter
I checked; there are only 245 different Python packages installed! -slap-forehead- What was I thinking! OF COURSE it requires more of 'em!
If I type python and then double-hit tab, I get:
python3 python3.11 python3.11-config python3.11-x86_64-config python3-config python-argcomplete-check-easy-install-script python-argcomplete-tcsh python-config
...I tryed to install the corresponding package, which appears to be Python 2.7.15, it as a package but it couldn't be found by the usual package manager
OTOH, can Python3 (what's there now) be THAT backwards incompatible?!
SURELY I can make it happy somehow, right?
How about an ln -s of /usr/local/bin/python to the one in my path?
Do I have to install the old Python from source, TOO?!
Anybody know?
Thanks, R
P.S. It seems BIZARRE to me that we have the good ole cc and gcc that just work after however many decades, yet the modern developers seem just not have a clue how - or just don't care - to code for longevity - what, the code to get python has to enter python3 now or just die? Really?
I'm sure you can easily tell I strongly disagree with modern practices about dependencies; "computer science" has gone backwards, at least in strategy! ... But I digress...