On 23 March 2001, Bill Bradford wrote:
Upgraded to Python 2.0 this morning, and recompiled/reinstalled mailman 2.0.3 along with it (had already been running this version, but I figure recompiling/installing it along with the new python wouldnt hurt). I started getting a lot *more* of these in /usr/local/mailman/logs/qrunner than normal:
I'm suffering from a similar problem. I run a list with a few hundred members that has a handful of posts an hour throughout most of the day. About thirty people are on the digest list.
I'm running the Debian unstable mailman package 2.0.3-7 recompiled myself on a stable (Debian 2.2) system. I contacted the maintainer of the package and he suggested I post here. The machine is only a P133 with 96Mb of RAM but I would hope it should handle such a list.
The mailing lists are running fine, mails just take a long time (several hours) to pass through the system and it is putting an unreasonable load on the machine in my opinion. It has a knock-on effect of making the web interface unusable because the qrunner process perpetually has the list locked (maybe this is a clue).
The python qrunner process seems to be running most of the time pushing my load average above one constantly - it runs for its fifteen minutes and then gives up. At some points during a lull of several hours in mailing list activity it will stop of its own accord and everything will settle down.
Dave Klingler wrote in response to Bill Bradford:
Sounds like you've got some permissions set wrong, Bill. Having qrunner run once a minute works pretty well, btw. It keeps the queue small and the overhead is minimal.
If permissions were the case surely it wouldn't work at all? I've had a look through and stuff generally seems to be owned by user list, group list or owned by root, group list with g+rwX permissions.
I tried putting some extra logging in the qrunner script but wasn't really sure what I was looking at. If someone can advise me where it would be best to log then I am willing to hack the scripts a bit.
-- Mike Crowe <mac@fysh.org>