Are you getting explicit REJECT messages from Yahoo! or some other error?
For what it's worth, I think Yahoo may have changed something internally lately, like their DNS MX records, you may want to check out what address your MTA is trying to send the messages to and compare to dig or nslookup for the Yahoo MX records. Maybe you have some stale DNS info, or old messages in the queue that are trying to send to the wrong address.
You may also want to check out some of the RBL lists to find out if you are on any of them, there are some very good multi-RBL search tools out there. Chances are that Yahoo! is rejecting you based on RBL data from someone else and not their own internal data. Google "RBL lookup tool" or try one of these:
http://www.completewhois.com/rbl_lookup.htm http://www.mail-abuse.com/lookup.html http://www.senderbase.org/search
Greg Lindahl wrote:
Yahoo is delaying delivery of mail from my domain because I look like I'm spamming them -- my machine sends a lot of email to non-existent Yahoo users. Well, that's because I get a lot of incoming spam from fake Yahoo accounts to my Mailman, and I have it configured to send back a "you aren't a member" message.