Thanks Brad and Dan for your comments.
Mailman has worked really well for me, but as someone coming to Panther Server and Mailman from running a webstar server, it is a big jump- a BIG change. Better docs to help the newbie/clueless would go a long way. That said, the more I work in this "unix" environment, the easier it gets and the cooler it all seems. But I still don't *think* unix enough to make it easy yet. Anyway will give it a shot in the AM and see where I get to.
On Jun 29, 2004, at 7:18 PM, Brad Knowles wrote:
At 4:14 PM -0400 2004-06-29, Thomas Waters wrote:
OK. v So I have the 2.1.5 folder on the desktop. Do I want to use the terminal and mv to move the directory to the location of the existing directly?
No, you don't want to do that.
Will this overwrite everything in /usr/share/mailman? Then
run bin/update? Or do I use the terminal to run bin/update from on the desktop?
Problem is, we don't know the specific options that Apple used when they built the previous version. You could try using "make update" from Terminal at the top level of the Mailman folder, but you'd need to make sure to specify the correct target Folder. That might also miss some other build options. Unfortunately, Apple didn't document anything, so we're pretty much completely blind.
To do this right, I fear that you're going to have to do a complete fresh install and then copy over selected data. You may (or may not) be able to copy over the configuration files, so you may be forced to regenerate that information.
This is a typical problem with any vendor pre-packaged version of a program. Do you stick with the package version, which the vendor is responsible for making sure works, or do you install the current version from source?
-- Brad Knowles, <brad.knowles@skynet.be>
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