On Fri, 23 Feb 2007, Mark Sapiro wrote:
Jason Luck wrote:
I didn't know enough to look into the specific log files that gave me the information until I had started this thread. 6.14 looks helpful. But I looked in resolv.conf and have the following:
; generated by /sbin/dhclient-script search localdomain nameserver nameserver
...the nameserver info is for my domain...is the search localdomain the issue?
I think the issue was the lack of a 'localhost' entry in /etc/hosts. When you added that, did anything change? Can you now 'telnet localhost 25'?
yes. I can telnet to localhost 25.
If Mailman still can't send, have the log messages changed in smtp-failure?
I just checked my mail and both confirmations, one for the mailman list and one for the test list have hit my external business mailbox. Also, the subscription request for the test list has also hit my mailbox.
6.14 has seemingly helped out a bit. I've changed a few things and to be honest am not completely sure at what time things started flowing.
I used python for the first time...and did the following and got the following result
import smtplib connection = smtplib.SMTP() Traceback (most recent call last): File "<stdin>", line 1, in ? File "/usr/local/lib/python2.4/smtplib.py", line 255, in __init__ addr = socket.gethostbyname(socket.gethostname()) socket.gaierror: (-2, 'Name or service not known')
I suppose no surprise...I then checked the resolv.conf and that was the previous message.
Then I did the following per 6.14...
import socket x = socket.gethostname() print x (response) y = socket.gethostbyname(x) print y (response)
...In my reponses, for x I obtained what I had been locally calling my machine, but not what my static IP is known as to the outside world. When I attempted the *y=* line I received no response. After making the appropriate hostname changes the above python routine connected the IP to the name of the machine.
Another problem though...it looks like I am... (a) able to create lists (b) receive notification emails about the creation of lists (c) able to subscribe to lists (d) receive notification about subscribing to a lists
...but...I'm not able to...
(a) receive any email when posted to a list I'm subscribed to. (b) and there is not record in the archives of these messages. (c) I've checked the following logs...maillog, smtp, smtp-failure and they are not posting anything.
It seems as though the messages may have left my external email, but never reached my local MTA or mailman?
Listed below is a message I received from my business email side...
The original message was received at Fri, 23 Feb 2007 12:34:05 -0500 from localhost.localdomain []
----- Transcript of session follows ----- <test@falconfootball.org>... Deferred: Connection refused by falconfootball.org. Warning: message still undelivered after 4 hours Will keep trying until message is 5 days old
[ Part 2: "Delivery Status" ]
Reporting-MTA: dns; [business email] Arrival-Date: Fri, 23 Feb 2007 12:34:05 -0500
Final-Recipient: RFC822; test@falconfootball.org Action: delayed Status: 4.4.1 Remote-MTA: DNS; falconfootball.org Last-Attempt-Date: Fri, 23 Feb 2007 16:35:54 -0500
Any ideas...I've looked through all of the titles on the FAQs and don't see anything about not receiving emails and also not having anything in the log files. Also, per the initial messages that started this discussion, I've run through all of the 3.14 FAQs and all seems to be working as best as I can decipher working means by the info in the FAQ.