On 7/1/08, Fletcher Cocquyt wrote:
Fletcher Cocquyt Senior Systems Administrator Information Resources and Technology (IRT) Stanford University School of Medicine
BTW, in case it hasn't come through yet -- I am very sensitive to your issues. In my "real" life, I am currently employed as a Sr. System Administrator at the University of Texas at Austin, with about ~50,000 students and ~20,000 faculty and staff, and one of my jobs is helping out with both the mail system administration and the mailing list system administration.
So, just because I post messages quoting the current statistics we're seeing on python.org, that doesn't mean I'm not sensitive to the problems you're seeing. All I'm saying is that we're not currently seeing them on python.org, so it may be a bit more difficult for us to directly answer your questions, although we'll certainly do everything we can do help.
-- Brad Knowles <brad@shub-internet.org> LinkedIn Profile: <http://tinyurl.com/y8kpxu>