I was trying to change the default admin message sent to people who were trying to post to the list, who the list didn't think were subscribed. A _LOT_ of people these days are subscribing with one address, then trying to post from another. They get real bent when the only message (from a lazy admin) they get when they try to post from the wrong address is:
Non-members are not allowed to post messages to this list.
I wanted to change the default to:
Non-members are not allowed to post messages to this list. If you are already a member, PLEASE remember to post from your subscribed address.
To do so, I modified /usr/local/mailman/Mailman/Handlers/Hold.py then did
$ python
import py_compile py_compile.compile('Hold.py')
Now nothing gets held for approval... That I can tell. I tried copying back a same version Hold.pyc from another machine and it still doesn't work.
Any helpful ideas please?
-- Walt Dabell - 302-831-1499 - walt@udel.edu Physics & Astronomy - University of Delaware