Soon I hope to get mm3 up and running and reactivate some old mm2 lists and start new ones.
I anticipate voluminous messages from the many people I correspond with who have no clue (in spite of my pleas) about the problems of top posting in mailing lists, as well as html mail and voluminous attachments.
I will warn my subscribers about such policies, but I need a reasonable solution to scrub mail and clean it up before it shows up on the lists.
I see that mm3 has lots of filtering settings to help the situation. I have several questions following, and I have provided in some cases what I think the general answer is. Affirmation, critique, or answers will be greatly appreciated.
strip bottom posts?
mm3: add-on custom or community-contributed filter
hold msgs with attachments for approval?
mm3: true
create my own filter if existing ones aren't sufficient for my needs?
mm3: true
hold any msg for approval if it doesn't meet my filtering requirement?
mm3: true
bounce msgs failing certain criteria back to sender with a custom msg?
mm3: true
I know Postfix has filtering customization, too. Are there any recommended guidelines on where to do various types of filtering?
spam, blacklist: Postfix
mailing list rules: mm3
Best regards,