Oct. 20, 2010
12:53 p.m.
On Fri, Oct 15, 2010 at 03:46:31PM +0200, Alessandro Bruchi wrote:
Do you know when mailman 2.1.14 will be included as package in some debian distribution?
The XSS patch, per 2010-September's announcement, seems to now be in Debian's repositories:
(et. seq.)
It appears that 'official' Mailman packages for lenny are a wee bit behind upstream.
I believe others on this list use the Umbungo packages on lenny (Debian 5), without too many difficulties. YMMV.
(I don't really have the time to take on debian package maint, at the moment.)
-- "Life was simple before World War II. After that, we had systems." -- Grace Hopper