-----Original Message----- From: mailman-users-bounces+brian=emwd.com@python.org [mailto:mailman-users- bounces+brian=emwd.com@python.org] On Behalf Of Alison Epstein Sent: Wednesday, July 21, 2010 5:12 AM To: mailman-users@python.org Subject: [Mailman-Users] Is Mailman right for us?
We're considering using Mailman for our organization's listservs. But I'm having trouble finding a demo to try or some screen snapshots so that I can even determine if this is the right software for us.
I need something for our discussion lists. (We also have announce-only lists.)
The discussion lists ideally would have an archive that is accessible.
Also, some of our lists need to have the ability to have multiple "moderators / posters" who may or may not be list subscribers. For instance, we have staff in Jerusalem & Chicago. We have mailing lists for each office, but all staff members can post to either list. For example: A Jerusalem staff member can send a message that only the Chicago staff will receive.
Can you point me to a demo to try or a good place to find these answers?
Thanks so much in advance, Alison Epstein
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Alison Epstein FMAMS web-content coordinator aepstein@fmams.org.il
Hi Alison:
Mailman includes archiving that can be set for public or private viewing. You can also setup non-members to have the ability to post to a list that they are not a member of. Mailman also supports multiple moderators.
We have some screenshots of mailman setup at http://www.emwd.com/mailman_screenshots/.
I am not sure if you are planning on setting this up in-house but I would like to invite you to view our mailman service at http://www.emwd.com/mailman.html. Please let me know if we can be of service to your organization. If you would like we could setup a demo list for you to try out.
Have a great day.
Regards, Brian Carpenter EMWD.com Mailmanhost.com