Steven, Juergen, et al,
I had written most of this but interrupted, then Jurgen's email came in, so... this got an edit! If a spot or two seems awkward it's because of available time.
On Mon, 5 Feb 2024, Stephen J. Turnbull wrote:
Thanks for your followup. Although you suggested taking the conversation private, I want to at least continue for one more post because it's not clear to me that there's demand for this service that is enough to justify the likely substantial cost of development. I don't know how to implement poster-to-subscriber encryption
It's very straight-forward:
Public Key Encryption is used: Subscribers who want encrypted email include their public key in their subscription details, just as they include their name and digest type choices. The list itself, for its reception, uses TLS. The outbound, from list server to subscriber is where "the magic happens," encrypting the outbound to each user using their own public key.
And then Juergen, as if on cue, added:
on Tue, 6 Feb 2024, Juergen Dollinger wrote:
We tried encrypted lists some years ago. Have a look at http://non-gnu.uvt.nl/mailman-pgp-smime/
The idea is that there is a key for the list, the server decrypts the E-mails and encrypts it for the recipients who have supplied a key. Worked fine with that old version of Mailman 20 years ago.
But even in our quite nerdy environment only about the half of the subscribers submitted a key for the list. (excuses are like 'I want to use grep(1) for fulltext search in my list E-mails') So after the next mailman update we dropped the patch and run unencrypted again.
I was unaware of this and I would have latched on with both hands!
Note that 20 years ago people, on whole, were less aware of the issues with unencrypted emails and that HALF DID sign up is rather amazing. Most users 20 years ago had "grown up with" a very friendly internet and remembered those times without perceiving the risks, while the newcomers were clueless to pretty much everything. Therefore the aprox. 50% number is amazing.
HOWEVER, just becasue ONE email list of a group who realized it was there had that experience says NOT A THING about how many who didn't know would love to have a list where users HAD to use encryption to be on the list!
Consider that the safest email is one in which sender and recipient are on the same system, MANY corporate environs would likely LOVE to have the added flexibility and security that could come from having an email list with this capability used for communications with not just employees but their vendors.
It's myopic to see just one's own use case and think it applies across the board.
Moving on, Steve goes on to say:
on the one hand, and on the other hand most list owners are unable or unwilling to manage their own hosts, and therefore have to provide the ability to decrypt list traffic to a third party.
Over my long and storied 47 year career in computer science I've long noted that the vast majority of users:
Don't know what they really want;
Don't have a clue what's easy and what's hard, and;
Don't hang out on email lists like this one.
(BTW the vast majority of project managers fit this same profile and explains why we get such atrociously bad software sometimes, even from gifted teams; if management is ignorant, it leads to less-than-optimal results, especially with autocratic leadership that doesn't trust their teams or want their creativity or input. But I digress...)
But I could be quite wrong, and it's the members of the Mailman community who are most likely to provide a critical mass of users to say "that's just what I've always wanted, and here are the features I want". If that critical mass doesn't show up, then I want to use my time (and resources such as summer interns) on features that our community *does* want.
The fact that nobody but you has raised their hand to say "I want this" or "my list owners would really like this" is not a point in its favor.
Your argument isn't any better.
The a majority of users have no clue that their emails are vulnerable in transit on the internet, much less as a separate risk from their email provider. So if it's your idea that we don't offer people the chance for better and only focus on giving people what they already know they want, progress is ... "suboptimal."
However, let me say to anybody who has read this far that although I have played and continue to play the devil's advocate against "privacy-preserving mailing lists", I want everybody to understand that I am very much in favor of privacy.
But there are substantial technical hurdles to extreme requirements such as "end-to-end encryption" of list traffic.
That is abjectly false, Juergen proved it, and not only was it NOT difficult 20 years ago, in the 20 years since then what's fairly easily possible has expanded considerably.
BTW, that one of us doesn't know how such things are done, by the way, doesn't mean it's difficult. I love Will Roger's comment about such things: "Everybody's ignorant, just about different things is all!"
It's no strike against anyone they don't know how things might be accomplished, but something we all need to watch out for is our own false presumption that if we don't see how something can be done it must be hard.
The BIG question here is surely beyond this list's purview: Can we manage to get an easy-to-use mechanism where any given user's public key can be found? We now have at least The Electronic Frontier Foundation, LetsEncrypt, and Proton AG who might well lend some muscle in this venture: Think of a DNS-like system, perhaps even an actual evolution of DNS itself, that permits users to declare their public keys in a publicly findable way. For sites that want to keep user lists private but still do this, perhaps a validation server could be devized with site-specific policies on who gets to know what about a given username@domain entry - think "I want to send encrypted email to user@your.system," and the mail server or some similar server looks at the request and honors it by sending the public key or not.
I posit that such a change would cause an explosion of use of encryption for the simple reason that it's use can then be largely automated and thus remove a huge fraction of the burden from the individual. It would enable FAR more security, writ-large, than is under discussion here. I won't bother you with all of it but just point your brain in pondering the power of a very simple back-and-forth, "I use your key to send you something encrypted, you send it back encrypted with my key telling me what it is and we just validated each other."
IF a list manger like mailman wanted to handle this it surely could! In that instance the broader key management via DNS or DNS-like system is not necessary.
As for users wanting to grep emails, that's a lame excuse: Just leave the email unencrypted in your local folder! That one's born of lazyness not capability. However, using encryption today CAN BE an annoying thing. My goal is to remove the time consuming hassle.
Richard / Steve dialogue:
[M]y only real interest here is on the accessibility (privacy) aspect, and list-management software like mailman DOES have something to say about architectural details of implementation for an encrypted email world. [...] A straight-forward approach might be, for example, that the entire set of data transferred between two MTAs is encrypted save the destination system's network address and the destination port.
I believe we already have that in some profiles of IPSec.
I've never seen / noticed that. A pointer would be nice!
The MTA decrypts
Then the MTA is an agent-in-the-middle, and an obvious point of attack.
Yawn. Let people decide what their comfort level of risk is. The idea is to ENABLE.
All of this and much more is not particularly difficult to accomplish from a technical point of view - it's only a "Small Matter Of Code" as Michael Stonebraker (Turing Award Winner) famously says.
As I pointed out above, a lot of it is already implemented -- but not in MTAs/MDAs, MUAs, or mailing lists. All of which have multiple implementations and those implementations must agree exactly, or somebody is going to get hacked.
I never said this was only a mailing list issue. We, collectively, need a better infrastructure.
As I've said several times before in this kind of conversation, what we need to do is identify specific privacy threats (mechanisms for infringement) and user populations who need protection from them, and then see if we can design a list (and probably MTA) architecture that provides that protection.
The privacy threat: Unencrypted email in transit on the internet.
Affected user population: All email users.
And yes, MTA is the correct level, though as noted above, an email list CAN help a lot WITHOUT an MTA level "fix".
Regards, Richard