Steve, Sron, et al:
"ensur[ing] a safe environment for email discussions"
...I would hope that all netizens are fully aware (and obviously not all are) that there is not and cannot be such a thing as "safe environment for email discussions" with email as now practiced and to create it requires a serious overhaul of the way email is conducted.
It doesn't have to be this way: email bodies and even the destination username and other parts of email headers COULD be encrypted when enroute via the same mechanisms as we have long used for secured web sites, and even end-to-end encryption isn't too difficult to implement, and I'd lay a substantial bet that an open-sourced effort harnessing the ideas of DKIM / SPF / DMARC could easily and simply accomplish this.
However, the simple (and for me painful) truth is that The Powers That Be _obviously_ do not want us to have secure communications. Their excuse is fear ("terrorism!") and their more dominant motive is profit. It's truly as simple is that.
Anyone who thinks their unencrypted emails are in any way secure on the open internet is, unfortunately SADLY mistaken.
And therefore any discussion of "ensur[ing] a safe environment for email discussions" is a real head-scratcher for me!
Chalk this one up as yet another entry in the long list of our collective needs shot down by the "this is why we can't have nice things" excuse.
Regards, Richard
P.S. PERHAPS someone reading this has the energy and gumption to change this?! I sure hope so! ...I've been using email for 47 years now, I did my part, I tried hard, it's up to younger generations to carry it forward now. But I'll be happy to assist anyone else's efforts on this!