Hi Leon:
Ever since my ISP, Verizon, quit relaying email messages from addresses not ending in @verizon.net, I have been exploring SMTP alternatives. I haven't come to a conclusion, but I found an interesting list at
P.S.: I have a stinking suspicion that the primary reason for Verizon's is not to combat spam, as stated, but to make it harder for their subscribers to be in a position where switching ISPs is easy, because they already use email addresses not tied to the ISP.
On Dec 7, 2016, at 3:05 PM, Leon <best.sum@gmail.com> wrote:
Hi, This problem is not caused by mailman, but I still want to give it a shot here. I'm hosting a mailing list on top of mailman. Emails are supposed to be sent out by AWS ses. However, ses requires that sender address must be verified, which leads to a problem that emails sent by subscribers to mailing list cannot be sent to other subcirbers, since their addresses are not verified. And it is impossible to verified every subscriber. Are there smtp service providers allowing unverified email address to send out emails, or do I have other solutions?
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