At 03:12 PM 04/11/2002 -0400, Jon Carnes wrote:
Thanks for testing it! I'll give it a run tonight myself and tweak it.
Thanks for the sample code. If I knew more about python I'd try and fix it myself. (Learning python is on my "list of things to do", I just haven't gotten there yet.) It does tend to hose other mailman functionality, so if you don't want to test it on a production mailman box, let me know. I'm in the process of setting up my first list so mailman hasn't gone live yet and I'd be happy to test it.
Shouldn't be too hard to make it work, though it might work better if I used a file in the ~mailman/templates/.. directory. It also doesn't need to be a function - I just thought I would get fancy.
I was thinking ~/mailman/templates/subscribeack.[list-name].txt might be a good location.
I hacked it together in email. Never tested it. It's not something I'm likely to use.
I normally don't worry about the welcome message. For my purposes, if it is inappropriate, I don't send a welcome message out.
Then don't spend a lot of time on it, unless you've nothing better to do. ;-) It'd be nice to have, but I can probably make my earlier suggestion re: short subscribeack.txt file and add the rest to the "list specific text prepended..." box on the general options page. AFAIK, you can't include html tags though, which could be a drawback.
Eric Sisler <esisler@westminster.lib.co.us> Applications Specialist Westminster Public Library Westminster, CO USA
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