On Oct 26, 2000 at 12:53, Rodrigo Moya wrote:
I've installed mailman on a RH 6.2 machine. The POP3 server in that machine works perfectly, the messages I send to the mailing lists are logged in the logs/post file. But, no mail goes to the list members.
POP3? SMTP would be what you want to check.
Some guesses...
Check mailman's crontab. The queue runner should be a cron job, AIUI.
it seems ok. The qrunner binary is set to be executed every minute (at least this is what "crontab -u mailman -l" says.
And no /etc/cron.{allow,deny} exists, so mailman should be allowed to run cron jobs.
And "tail -f logs/qrunner" shows 2 log messages every minute. So, everything related to cron seems to work.
But still, list members don't get any message from the lists.
What else could be?