Under 'Privacy Options' in the section 'General posting filters' there are three settings:
Must posts be approved by an administrator?
Restrict posting privilege to list members? (member_posting_only)
Addresses of members accepted for posting to this list without implicit approval requirement.
I must confess I find the interaction between the three settings unintuitive. I have to read '(details)' every time I set up a new list and when explaining it to a new list moderator.
After all my re-readings I understand the interaction between 2 and 3, but please somebody explain the interaction between 1 and the other two. (and add '(details)' entry to the first item as well).
Regards Mark
-- !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !! Mark Martinec (system manager) tel +386 61 177-3575 !! !! J. Stefan Institute, Jamova 39 fax +386 61 219-385 !! !! SI-1000 Ljubljana, Slovenia mark.martinec@ijs.si !! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! http://www.ijs.si/people/mark/ !!!!