On Tue, 30 Jan 2024, Dmitri Maziuk wrote:
On 1/30/24 07:47, Stephen J. Turnbull wrote:
richard@karmannghia.org writes: ...
Anyone who thinks their unencrypted emails are in any way secure on the open internet is, unfortunately SADLY mistaken.
This is true. Security by obscurity works up to a point, but if you ever get targeted by the FBI you're toast.
Whereas anyone who thinks their encrypted-in-transit e-mails are in any way secure on gmail servers, is delusional. Google gives FBI access to mailboxes, and they won't ever tell you because gag orders (google it).
You're obviously correct, Dima; who your mail host is matters, and who your recipent(s) mail hosts are also matter and if either is like Google, Hotmail, Yahoo, etc, well... it's pretty pointless.
People need to remember: If it's free, YOU are the product!
But more than that, I try and get people to understand that due to their ignorant choice of gmail, for example, I won't send them all kinds of emails I might otherwise send, even though it's not encrypted end-to-end because (as someone pointed out) obscurity works to a point, so SOME things I might not mind sending in that way.
I have a good handful of friends who I have managed to convince to move to Proton Mail because I just won't deal with them via email if they remain on gmail, etc.