On 7/1/2015 6:24 PM, Mark Sapiro wrote:
On 07/01/2015 12:07 PM, Chris Miller wrote:
We have corrected this problem by creating the subdirectories, moving the lists in to the proper sub directory, and setting permissions. We are still having trouble with fix_url.
I'm just confirming that I've seen this and will look at it at some point this week, but not immediately.
Awesome. Much appreciated.
It may be that fix_url never did the right thing, but I need to look in detail.
I think however that you have made a mistake in that both the subdirectory name in the lists/ directory and the domain part of the listname in the fix_url command should be the email host, not the web host. I.e. no lists. prefix, at least with settings like
add_virtualhost('lists.fakedomain.com', 'fakedomain.com')
I renamed the directory to just "fakedomain.com" and re-ran fix_url. I no longer see the red error message in the web interface, however once logged in I continue to see @fakedomain appended in the URL when clicking any navigation item. While I can login again with the invalid URL, each navigation click continues to append @fakedomain in a cumulative fashion.
To clarify, mm_cfg.py does contain the correct info for the lists, this all broke during the upgrade to 2.1.18 to utilize the DMARC features.
What exactly are you running? Are you running code from <https://code.launchpad.net/~msapiro/mailman/vhost>?
Yes. 2.1.18-1
I wouldn't be too surprised if it's broken. I think the last thing I actually did to that branch other than untested merges of the upstream branch upon releases was over two years ago.
We downloaded this version last year to utilize the DMARC patches after Yahoo changed their SPF policy and our mailman posts were getting rejected.
Regards, Chris
Chris Miller President - Rocket Scientist ScratchSpace Inc. (831) 621-7928 http://www.scratchspace.com