Feb. 17, 2000
1:24 a.m.
Bill, I went ahead and made the changes to my configure and configure.in files. WHen I run configure, I get through the checks for the new mailman UID and GID, but it stops at the next step which is where it checks the directory permisiions. The error I get says:
File "conftest.py", line 4, in ? mailmangid=vuser NameError: vuser cat: conftest.out: No such file or directory configure: error: ***** Installation directory /usr/home/<mylogin>/usr/home/mailman is not configured properly!
But when I check the directory, the permissions are set just as they are supposed to be according to the install (d rwx rws r-x, right?).
What is the NameError? Did I miss someplace else where I was supposed to change the GID?
Thanks, Joan